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What flavor is better for ice cream?

1、 Milk ice cream

Raw material formula fresh milk 500g cream 12.5g white granulated sugar 150g egg yolk 100g edible vanilla Bai essence trace

Manufacturing method

Add the weighed white granulated sugar into the egg yolk, mix and stir. Then slowly pour the boiled fresh milk into the mixture of sugar and egg yolk, mix it well, transfer it to another container, slowly heat it with a low fire to keep the temperature at 70 ~ 75 ℃, keep stirring, and then stop heating. When the temperature gradually drops until it has a certain consistency, filter it with a fine screen (or clean gauze), and then add cream and edible fragrant grass essence after the filter liquid is cooled, Freeze it in another clean and sanitary container (its volume is increased by 30-50% compared with the original). The frozen milk ice cream can be eaten immediately. You can also add processes and auxiliary materials to make tricolor and nut ice cream.

2、 Tricolor ice cream

Raw material formula cocoa powder 15g white granulated sugar 5g strawberry jam 30g milk ice cream 750g food coloring trace

Manufacturing method

1. add 50% water by weight of sugar into the weighed white granulated sugar, heat it to fully dissolve the sugar, then filter it, add cocoa powder, fully stir and mix it evenly, so as to preliminarily make cocoa syrup.

Pour the cocoa syrup prepared according to the above method into 250g milk ice cream and set aside.

2. in addition, weigh 250g milk ice cream, add strawberry jam and pigment, and mix well for standby. At the same time, add a little vanilla essence to the remaining 250g milk ice cream, and mix it well for the next process.

3. put the above three kinds of ice cream liquids with different colors and tastes into sanitary and clean containers prepared in advance, and send them to the refrigerator for freezing. After freezing, they will be three color ice cream with beautiful appearance.